We love Spring time and Easter- the days are getting longer, we get to spend more time outside. We are not far away just a week for Easter. Children can go a bit over board with chocolate Easter eggs, If you’re a worried parent about your children’s teeth and thinking what to do to avoid damaging them, follow the Oral Health Students at Buddha Dental Tree, who have some fantastic tips for indulging this Easter with happy and healthy teeth.
1. Rather than eating multiple eggs or one large egg over a day or two just restrict it to one particular time of day.This will reduce the frequency of acid attack to your teeth.
2. Why not buy smaller eggs, or substitute eggs with other fun options like a fancy dress outfit, an Easter book, a cuddly toy or a family outing.The combination of the smaller quantities of chocolate and exercise means that the chocolate high is not so pronounced.
3. It’s a good idea to check sugar content of the Easter chocolate eggs as 4 grams of sugar is the equivalent of one teaspoon of sugar.
The recommended daily sugar allowance for children is three to four teaspoons.
4. Try buying an egg with a higher percentage of coco. They generally have less sugar than the milk chocolate ones.
5. Do not let your children nibble constantly on Easter eggs; try to keep it around mealtimes. It is not always the case of how much chocolate your child consumes, but mainly how often, that could cause oral health problems.
6. Encourage your child to drink more water.This will help to produce saliva in the mouth,which will help to rinse away any plaque,bacteria and debris. A glass of water also doesn’t contain any sugar, which makes it a healthy option.
7. Let the children paint hard boiled eggs and have an egg painting competition.They are also fun to eat.
8. Have some healthy alternatives as an option,for example crunchy carrots sticks, chunks of apple and celery sticks.
9. Make sure that they clean their teeth thoroughly after 30 minutes of chocolate treat. It is a good idea to play one of their favourite songs for two minutes while they are brushing their teeth.
10. What to do with leftover Easter eggs? Why not use it in fun baking activities with your children, which will keep little hands occupied over the Easter school holidays.
Happy Easter Holidays To All !!